On a perfectly sunny day in San Diego, 18 of us set out to find the “venue” for Cisco’s Partner Summit Event in the Gaslamp District. After walking a couple blocks, we approached 5th street and came face-to-face with… our very own Yellow Brick Road! One of the most fun and outrageous events we’ve ever had the privilege to be a part of, a whole block of San Diego’s beautiful Gaslamp Districk was closed just for Cisco and it’s guests. Dancing on a giant yellow carpet with Velocity fire dancers performing on either side, we entered from either end of the road and danced our way to the middle of the street through the crowd. The most unique element of our show had to be when we incorporated the brilliant circus duo Mango and Dango into our act. The combination of Mango and Dango’s interpretation of an elephant, made of a rolling cart and beautifully colourful giant umbrellas, and our dancers busting out in Bhangra to an original DJ Klasikhz mix sent the crowd into a colourful and vibrant state of excitement!

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Cisco Partner Summit 2012 Written by on 19th Apr, 2012 in Newsfeed
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