AKG Creative (Ankur K Garg)
Ankur K Garg (AKG) has accumulated over ten (10) years of leadership experience in building brands and guiding innovative start-up companies. An accomplished corporate strategist and marketing guru, his vision and expertise in business performance have driven remarkable growth in brand recognition, marketing presence, and overall customer loyalty. His proficiency in developing loyal clientele and command of design/marketing within the IT consulting industry is highlighted by his accomplishments at Crimson Lab Corporation.
Having received his BS in Finance & Economics from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland College Park at the age of 20, Ankur founded his first marketing firm with the intent on raising the bar in Information Technology and Marketing Consulting services for start-up companies. Offering a rare combination of WEB & PRINT services, Ankur has achieved exciting return on investment and product turnarounds and he is recognized for his success in increasing sales/leads and profits for clients.
AKG’s exceptional track record of business improvement is based on his philosophy of total engagement in change and his belief in immediate initiative for structural innovation. He is known for his ability to quickly identify and bridge gaps in performance, sales, and organizational structure. The significant impact on profitability and growth in a variety of industries for different firms where he held senior executive positions have led to the formulation of AKG Creative Incorporated, where he currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer and continues to set standards in Creative Services Consulting.
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